Pup Feast – Best Dogs Food Guide

Pup Feast | Best Dogs Food Guide

Are you looking for the best food guidance for your dog? If you want to know what food your dog can eat, Choosing the right food for your furry and naughty friend is essential for his health. Here is the Pup Feast | Best Dogs Food Guide.

If your dog eats well then he will be more healthy. You must ensure that the food you give to your pet is homemade or from the market and should match its nutritional requirements. Always remember every dog has its unique characteristics and you can not change its diet before consulting a veterinarian.

The veterinarian will suggest a diet plan according to your pet’s size, weight, and generation. If you feel your dog is unhealthy and you eat him too much then it will not benefit it. On the other side, it will harm him because he is not healthy and you are eating him too much, his stomach will not bear it. So it’s necessary to ask your veterinarian about your pet’s diet when you want to change it. 

Can Dogs Eat Mustard 15 1

Can Dogs Eat Mango?

Many dog owners wonder if it’s safe to share their mangoes with their furry friends. The good news is that dogs can indeed eat mango, as long as certain precautions are taken. This tropical fruit is not only delicious but also packed with essential nutrients. Can Dogs Eat Mango? However, due to its high sugar…
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Can Dogs Eat Apples

Can Dogs Eat Apples?

Apples can make a nutritious and tasty snack for dogs, but there are a few important factors to consider before sharing this fruit with your furry friend. Can Dogs Eat Apples? Common varieties like Red Delicious, Honeycrisp, Gala, and Granny Smith are all safe for dogs to eat in moderation. Packed with antioxidants, apples may…
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Can Dogs Eat Mustard 12


Sweet potatoes can be a nutritious and safe treat for dogs when offered in moderation. Packed with essential nutrients like vitamins A, B6, and C, they also provide important minerals such as potassium, iron, and calcium. One of the main benefits is their high fiber content, which supports healthy digestion in dogs, while the presence…
Can Dogs Eat Mustard 9

Can Dogs Eat Chia Seeds?

Chia seeds, a popular superfood for humans, also offer numerous health benefits for dogs. Packed with essential nutrients such as calcium, copper, fiber, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, phosphorus, and potassium, chia seeds can support various aspects of your dog’s health. Can dogs eat chia seeds? The omega-3 fatty acids, in particular, contribute to improved brain…
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Can Dogs Eat Mustard 6

Can Dogs Eat Sausage?

A sizzling sausage patty might be a Saturday morning staple for humans, but it’s not a suitable treat for dogs. While it might be tempting to share your breakfast with your canine friend, sausages are generally not recommended for dogs due to their high salt and fat content. Consuming sausages can lead to various health…
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Can Dogs Eat Mustard 3

Can A Dog Eat White Rice?

White rice is commonly recommended for dogs experiencing digestive issues, such as diarrhea, due to its blandness and ease of digestion. Can a dog eat white rice? Its starch content helps bind loose stool, while the fiber and easily digestible carbohydrates can aid in stabilizing your dog’s gastrointestinal system. However, it should be fed in…
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Can Dogs Eat Mustard

Can Dogs Eat Mustard?

Mustard is highly toxic for dogs due to the presence of mustard seeds, which contain harmful compounds like isothiocyanates. These compounds can cause inflammation in the stomach and intestinal tract, leading to conditions such as gastroenteritis. Can Dogs Eat Mustard? All types of mustard should be avoided, including yellow mustard, Dijon, honey mustard, and even…
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Why do Dog eat cat poop

Why Do Dogs Eat Cat Poop?

Dogs eating cat poop, a behavior known as coprophagy, is surprisingly common and stems from their instinctive attraction to strong odors. why do dogs eat cat poop? While it might disturb us, dogs are naturally drawn to the potent smell of cat feces, which can also be an extension of their curiosity or scavenging behavior….
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can dogs eat pancakes 1

Can Dogs Eat Pancakes?

While pancakes are a breakfast favorite for many, pet owners often wonder if their dogs can join in on the fun. The good news is that dogs can enjoy a small portion of plain pancakes, but it’s important to be cautious about the ingredients. Avoid adding syrups, creams, or chocolates, as these can be harmful…
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Adult Dog Size (lbs)

 Dry Food Feeding Amount (cups)

3 to 12 1/3 to 1
13 to 201 to 1/3
21 to 351-1/3 to 2
26 to 502 to 2-2/3
51 to 752-2/3 to 3-1/3
76 to 1003-1/3 to 4-1/4
100+ 4-1/4 plus 1/4 cup for each 10 lbs of body weight over 100 lbs


The nutrition required for your pet will depend on its weight. If your pet has a small body and low weight then it requires a small amount of food and if it has a heavy weight and a huge body then obviously it requires much amount of food for its survival.

Rice has a rich amount of diet. It is necessary for a balanced diet for humans and dogs as well. As we say balanced diet is important in any condition. If you give a large amount to your dog then its diet will become unbalanced and will make your pet unhealthy. Rice has easily digestible carbohydrates which provide lots of energy. It will make your dog lazy and if you give him a huge amount and regular doze.

The boiled rice will be more beneficial for your dog. It becomes easily digestible and will make its stomach so well. The uncooked rice becomes the source of constipation. Rice contains magnesium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B, and folic acid as well.

It’s not much complicated, you can absolve it by yourself. First of all, look at your dog’s waist and notice it. If the dog’s waist is extremely exaggerated instead of sloppy shape then your dog lacks of food. You must have to look after his diet plan. 

If your dog loses patches of hair on his body then it will be a lack of nutrition. In that case, you have to contact your veterinarian 

Dogs can be fed naturally on a raw diet. They need a diet that has the bulk of protein. The natural diet of dogs is meat, bones, and anything related to these. These things are considered dogs’ favorite food.